Lockdown Browser for MacOS Download and Install
This document provides instructions on how to download and install the Lockdown Browser.
Please Note - Lockdown Browser is only available for Windows and Apple computers. Chromebooks are not supported.
2. Click on the Respondus Lockdown Browser link at the bottom of the page.

3. Click on the Install Now button.

4. The Download should start in the lower right hand corner.

5. After the download finishes run the Installer.

6. On the permission warning screen Click Continue.

7. Click Continue on the Introduction step.

8. Select your Language and click Continue on the Software License step.

9. Agree to the terms by clicking Agree.

8. Click Install to install the program.

9. Enter your User Name and Password if prompted, and then click Install Software.

10. Click Close to finish the install.

11. Click Move to Trash to remove the installer.

12. To open the Lockdown Browser first click on your Launchpad icon on the dock.

13. Locate and click on the Lockdown Browser icon.

If you need further assistance please contact the PC Service Help Desk at 608-789-6266 or pcservice@westerntc.edu.